Funding Change Glossary

Ticket sales end date The date you will stop making tickets available for purchase. Please add a time as well although for most online raffles leaving it as "End of Day" works just fine.
Prize raffle A raffle with a fixed prize (fixed cash amount, item, trip, etc.). You can have multiple prizes in a prize raffle.
Prize percentage The percentage of total sales going to the winner.
Guaranteed pot A pot that has been given a minimum value, regardless of how many tickets are sold. A guaranteed pot will not show an increase in size until the total sales exceed the amount of the guarantee.
Seeded pot A pot that has been given a starting amount above $0 before ticket sales have started. 
Number of tickets available Should be calculated by dividing expected revenue for the raffle by the lowest price per ticket. For example, if you offered tickets at 20 for $20 ($1 per ticket) and you were expecting a $10,000 raffle, you would set a quantity of 10,000 tickets.