Purchasing an Online Raffle Ticket

In order to purchase an online raffle ticket, you must be eligible to purchase a ticket in the province in which the raffle is being held. To be eligible to purchase a raffle ticket, you must:

  • Be a resident of the province from which the raffle is being held; or
  • Be physically present in the province at the time of purchase.
  • You must also qualify based on the rules of the specific raffle you are looking to purchase from.

How to Buy Tickets

  1. Click Buy Tickets on the raffle page that you'd like to purchase tickets from.
  2. Choose the number of tickets you would like to buy
  3. Click Reserve Tickets. This becomes clickable once you select the number of tickets
  4. Confirm the number of tickets you're purchasing and the amount you're spending. Check the box agreeing to the raffle rules
  5. Choose whether you want to sign to make your purchase. If you'd like to purchase without signing in, click "No, I'll Continue"
  6. Enter your billing and payment information.
  7. Click "Make Payment"

Voila! You've just purchased raffle tickets!

Please note: Tickets for online raffles through Funding Change are not “bearer tickets” and do not need to be provided in order to claim your prize at the point of winning unless explicitly stated in the rules of the raffle. Funding Change securely records every ticket purchase made electronically and uses a certified Random Number Generator (RNG) to randomly select the winner.