The Sell Page

We all know the benefits of running an online raffle, but there is something to be said about the old-fashioned way of selling tickets, face-to-face.



Nothing pushes people to buy tickets more than someone walking around selling them or sitting at a kiosk shouting at people to come and support the draw. We offer this option using our Sell Page or using our RSUs.   This article is for the Sell Page feature. For RSUs click the link or contact your CSR.

When you are managing your live raffle on Funding Change you will see a big green "Sell Tickets" button. If you select that button you will see that you now have the ability to sell tickets over the phone or face-to-face with a buyer.  


Do you have a lot of visitors and foot traffic at your organization?

Sell raffle tickets at the front desk of your building. After every interaction, the front desk person asks "Would you like to purchase a raffle ticket?"  


Running a live event?

In your organization dashboard, under "Manage People," add your army of sellers to walk around the event selling tickets on their phone or tablet. No paper needed! Imagine having sellers walking around collecting cash, tables set up for credit card sales, and your link being announced and displayed all over the event. The more options people have the more likely they are to buy!  


The Sell page should be used in any face-to-face situation that you or your organization is involved with. Make sure to utilize it as much as possible.  


How do I process the payment?

The Sell Page allows you to take cash, credit, or cheque payments live on location.  


This is the quickest way to sell tickets. A buyer approaches and tells you they would like to buy a ticket. The seller asks for his name, phone number, and email. They then complete the purchase and the buyer now has his ticket on his phone. No more losing tickets! This transaction takes less than a minute to complete and involves no paper...except for the cash :)  

Credit Card

The greatest excuse at a live event when asking people to buy tickets is "Sorry, I don't have cash!" Our sell page solves this problem. While your sellers are out taking cash sales, why not have a kiosk set up that takes cash AND credit card? If you don't have your own POS machine, the process takes a little longer as you will need their billing information and their CC number, but this allows people to buy tickets without cash. PLUS credit card purchases tend to be much higher than cash purchases.  


Avoid this method if you can. You definitely don't want to deal with bouncing cheques during your raffle. However, our system is set up to take cheque payments if need be.  


Our Sell Page combines the ease of an online raffle, with the tradition of face-to-face sales, all while using NO PAPER. Make sure to take advantage of this feature because nothing is more effective than asking people to buy tickets in person.