There are 2 types of raffles you can run, or combine the two for a hybrid raffle.
Choose Raffle Type
Prize Draw: raffles with one or more prizes that are available to be won.
Split the Pot Draw: if you choose a Split the Pot Draw, you'll also need to pick between a Percentage Payout and a Progressive Jackpot Raffle
a) Percentage Payout Raffle
A percentage of raffle sales goes to the winner while the remainder goes to the organization. The most common type of Split the Pot Percentage Payout Raffle is a 50/50.
b) Progressive Jackpot Raffle
The prize payout is structured just like a percentage payout, however, the main difference is that each ticket purchased is split between the final jackpot and the current mini-pot. For example: if a $10 ticket is purchased, $5 would go towards the final jackpot and $5 would go towards the current month's mini-pot.
Prize & Split the Pot Draw: this is simply a combination of the two other raffle types. There are many possible variations of this. For example, you could have a 50/50 raffle with a prize add-on tickets which requires ticket purchasers to purchase a 50/50 ticket in order to be able to purchase a prize ticket.